Men's Ministry
Iron sharpens Iron
35 Sugar St.
Newtown, CT 06470
Where? When?
Meet at the church: 10:00-11:30pm
every other Saturday
Our Purpose
The purpose of our Men's Ministry is to disciple, encourage, and serve one another in truth and in knowledge of God through His Word.
Currently, the men are walking through the Pastoral Epistles, seeking to understand the text and how to apply it to our lives and the ministry of NBC.
Exemplary Husband
A biblical examination of what it means to be a godly husband, walking through Scripture guided by Stuart Scott in the Exemplary Husband. The discussion is from 10:00-11:30am, every other Saturday between Iron Sharpens Iron studies.
This is a 10-14 week class that meets every Wednesday at 7:00-8:30PM. The goal of the study is to learn the principles of how to study Scripture, present it in the context of teaching and/or preaching, and apply it to our own lives and those who hear.